The Story of Dawn and Circlek (sir-click)
My friend Jenna came to Visit me in Sept of 2000. She was a friend of Dawn's and mine from Izzicam. Jenna and I met up with Dawn in Birmingham, AL at Mizredhead's house. This was a very interesting and fun night out. Jenna is gay, so we decided to take her to this gay club. Well, Dawn told me her secret love. She wanted a straight man who dresses in drag. We decided to play this game. Let's send Circlek over to the man in drag and see if he can pick this person up. If he fails, then we send Dawn over and WALLAH! Dawn found her man.
I don't know if this was good or bad, but I got a lot of phone numbers that night and Dawn didn't get any. She did get a reach around by this sturdy lookin woman at the bar.